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Notice of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College on Issuance of Emergency Response Plan for International Students

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Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College Document


LVTC Zi [2021] No. 86


Notice of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College on Issuance of Emergency Response Plan for International Students


All departments:

In order to establish a sound response mechanism to deal with the emergency in a standardized and scientific way, effectively and properly control and manage it for international students in China promptly, and to enhance the capacity for emergency management and prevent all kinds of contingencies, so as to earnestly reduce and control the consequences caused by emergencies, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, safety of life and property of international students, as well as defend the country's prestige and interests, and in accordance with the spirits of Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, Overall Contingency Plan for Public Emergencies in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GZBF [2004] No. 180), Contingency Plan for Foreign-related Emergencies in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Emergency Response Plan for international students in Guangxi, this Emergency Response Plan for international students studying in Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College is hereby formulated in conjunction with the actual situation of our college. The Plan is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please abide hereby earnestly.



Appendix: Emergency Response Plan for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (seal)

September 26, 2021



Administration Office of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Printed and issued on September 26, 2021



Emergency Response Plan for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College


Chapter IPurpose and Basis

Article 1In order to establish a sound response mechanism to deal with the emergency in a standardized and scientific way, effectively and properly control and manage it for international students in China promptly, and to enhance the capacity for emergency management and prevent all kinds of contingencies, so as to earnestly reduce and control the consequences caused by emergencies, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, safety of life and property of international students, as well as defend the country's prestige and interests, and in accordance with the spirits of Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, Overall Contingency Plan for Public Emergencies in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GZBF [2004] No. 180), Contingency Plan for Foreign-related Emergencies in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Emergency Response Plan for international students in Guangxi, this Emergency Response Plan for international students sutdying in Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College is hereby formulated in conjunction with the actual situation of our college.

Chapter IIScope of Application

Article 2“International student-related emergencies” referred in this Plan mean injury, illness and death caused to international students by man-made or natural events, as well as political, criminal, civil and public security cases related to themselves during their studies in the college.

Article 3The so-called emergency case means a sudden, unannounced, and usually unexpected occurrence or occasion, resulting a certain extent of destructive and negative effects, which occur in an uncertain way. According to the degree of harm to the international students and public society, an emergency case is classified into three grades in this Plan:

(I)Personal injuries and death caused by natural and human factors.

(II)Severe diseases, including non-communicable and communicable diseases.

(II)Various cases and disputes involving international students, including mass incidents, law cases, accidents and natural disasters, etc., They are specifically are as follows:

1.Mass incidents: mainly including unlawful assembly, procession, demonstration, student strike, gang fighting and other incidents threatening stability of our college

2.Law cases: violent crime cases, cases of theft with large effect or amount, poisoning cases, drug-related crimes, explosion cases, cases involving highly toxic drugs, radioactive substances and arson attacks, involving international students.

3.Accidents: aviation accidents, marine loss, traffic accidents, poisoning accidents, collapse of dangerous buildings and structures and other major and malignant accidents involving international students.

4.Natural disasters: typhoons, earthquakes, floods, fires, epidemics and other disasters that may affect the teaching and living environment of international students.

Chapter IIIEmergency Management Principles for international students

Article 4For international students under emergency, we must ensure efforts to protect their personal safety and safeguard the country’s international prestige and interest shall be promptly and fully delivered in accordance with the principles below:

(I)“Precautionary approach” principle. Educate the international students concerning the safety, take effective measures to strengthen the education on personal safety and self-protection so that they may keep in mind the correct way in calling the police, medical first-aid, fire agency, and also understand the skills used to save their lives themselves or being saved. Enhance the education campaign to increase their awareness of law. international students in China must abide by relevant Chinese laws and regulations, and respect Chinese folk customs. Maintain timely communication with international students to keep abreast of the situation, so as to nip it in the bud.

(II)Insist on the priority of public interest. That's means, the emergency handling shall not endanger national security, public security and social stability.

(II)“People-oriented” principle. That is to safeguard the personal safety and property of the international students to the greatest extent.

(IV)“Implementing at all levels under unified command” principle. Under the unified command of the college's emergency response team, all relevant departments work closely to give full play to their functions and properly carry out various procedures in time. In the process of managing emergency situations, administrative staff in charge of the international students shall speak with one voice when interviewed by social media and other departments, to avoid negative effects. Any individual is not allowed to make any statement without authorization.

(V)“Quick response, level-by-level report and proper treatment” principle. Under the unified command of the college’s emergency response team, it shall quickly mobilize rescue workers to launch the contingency plan. Every team member shall respond quickly and deal with the situation decidedly in a calm and orderly manner, to strictly manage the course of events. Process of level-by-level report: Institute of International Education, leaders in charge of international students in all secondary colleges → Director of International Exchange Office → School Command Center (school office, security office) →  school's emergency response team (hereinafter referred to as leading team) → Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, Local Foreign Affairs Office, superior department in charge → consulate or embassy of international students.

(VI)“Lesson learned from experience afterwards” principle. The emergency response team shall sum up the experience conscientiously after the event and submit a written report.

Chapter IVOrganization system

Article 5Establishment of emergency operations command team:

(I)An emergency operations command team for international students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (hereinafter referred to as “command team”) shall be established, to be in full charge of emergency management for international students.

Team leader: Party Secretary and President

Deputy leader: Vice President in charge of student affairs, Vice President in charge of foreign affairs

Members: Heads of all party and government departments, persons in charge of teaching departments, general Party branch secretaries and deans of all secondary colleges, Secretary and Dean of Institute of International Education

The command team has an office, located in International Exchange Office. The director-general of the office is served by the director of International Exchange Office and deputy director-general by the deputy director.

The relevant departments of the school shall work together according to function scope by strengthening construction of personnel involved in foreign affairs and training of emergency personnel in the school, establishing a contact mechanism with the superior departments of security, foreign affairs, public security, fire prevention, health and epidemic prevention, transportation and civil affairs, facilitating the emergency mangament.

(II)Main responsibilities of emergency operations command team:

1.To carry out education for international students on safety and law, check and master the safety operations of incidents involving international students, and check for potential safety hazards.

2.Conduct emergency response. In case of emergency, the command team must rush to the scene in the first time, call related agencies in time, and take decisive measures to deal with emergencies as per the procedure.

3.Deal with the aftermath.

Chapter VEmergency response

Article 6Response procedures

(I)Launch the contingency plan

When the incident occurs, the International Exchange Office shall immediately report it to the command team. The command team shall, after making verification, initiate the plan as instructed by the team leader.

(II)Work arrangement

The team leader shall convene the meeting attended by the members of the command team and relevant personnel to make work arrangement. According to the characteristics of the incident, the leading team shall form the "XXX Incident Response Working Group” (hereinafter referred to as working group) and appoint person in charge of working group, and provide guidance. Persons of relevant departments or colleges involved in emergency response should appoint special personnel to be responsible for it, who shall be on duty 24 hours a day, and be available all the time.

(II)Site disposal

Soon after the incident occurs, the working group must go to the incident site to prevent the incident from getting worse. The working group must well deal with the scene firstly, keep abreast of the scale of the incident, names, number, status, nationality of casualties, basic information of property losses; well arrange and pacify the injured, call the medical aid, transfer and protect relevant personnel.

All relevant departments shall ensure access to communication. In particular, the International Exchange Office, the Security Office, the Logistics Management Office, the school medical office and other departments should work together to make preparations in terms of rescue equipment, materials, transportation, medicine and resettlement sites, ensuring adequate material support in a timely manner.

(IV)Timely report

After the working group understands the basic situation and takes initial measures, it shall immediately assign a person to report to the upper levels, keep them informed of the process of rescue efforts and receive guidance from the superior departments. In case of an emergency, the working group shall call the local public security department promptly, actively cooperate with hospital, epidemic prevention, public security, fire departments. Moreover, it shall keep close contact with relevant departments at any time and cooperate with them to deal with the aftermath in the follow-ups.

(V)Supervising and handling

In the process of emergency response, the leading team shall supervise and inspect the implementation of all decisions and countermeasures of the working group to ensure that they are all put in place. The Security Office and the International Exchange Office shall be responsible for coordination.

(VI)Proper disposal

After an emergency happens, the International Exchange Office shall inform the students' family members (guardians) of the situation in time with the consent of the school leaders, and provide cordial reception of the family members as possible to deal with the aftermath in China. Furthermore, it shall notify relevant foreign embassies and consulates in China of cases of normal death of students; shall have the responsibility and obligation to inform them of the student who is detained or arrested by the public security departments, and request the public security department to report the situation to the embassy (consulate general) of his/her country in China.

(VII)At the end of emergency response, the leading team shall decide to terminate the response and

the working group shall notify the relevant departments and units.

(VIII)After contingency plan is terminated,  the working group shall convene a meeting to summarize the issue in a timely manner,

and request the International Exchange Office to cooperate with relevant departments to further follow up the personnel resettlement, loss assessment, compensation, reward and punishment and other matters; sum up the report, report to the superior competent department, and revise the contingency plan by summarizing the experience and lessons of the emergency response.

(IX)Information submission, processing and release

The working group shall collect first-hand information in a timely manner, and ensure that information is collected, submitted and processed

in a timely, prompt, accurate and comprehensive manner. After the contingency plan is activated, all information shall be collected and processed by the working group, which shall not exceed 2 hours.

Adhering to the principles of seeking truth from facts, timeliness and accuracy, moderation, keeping inside information from outsiders and observing discipline, the working group shall, under the unified leadership of the emergency leading team of the higher competent department, formulate the information release plan.

(X)Rewards and punishment

In case of an emergency, the personnel involved in emergency response shall perform their respective duties, respond quickly and deal with the situation properly. Commendation and reward shall be given to those who have participated in the response with outstanding performance. Those who have caused serious consequences due to negligence of their duties, irresponsibility or incompetence in handling affairs shall be given administrative sanctions or even investigated for criminal responsibility.

Article 7Provisions on handling of all accidents:

(I)Contingency plan for suicide, self-injury and self-abuse of international students

1.In case of suicide, self-injury or self-abuse, any insider shall, in addition to immediate medical treatment, promptly report the case to the International Exchange Office.

2.After learning the situation, the International Exchange Office shall immediately report it to the leading team, and relevant members of which shall rush to the scene as soon as possible and assign personnel to send the injured to the out-patient department of the college hospital or the urban hospital in time.

3.The leading team shall timely report the situation to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, foreign affairs department, Department of Education of Guangxi, and the embassy and consulate in China of such international student  in his/her country of origin.

4.The leading team shall immediately arrange relevant working groups to carry out investigations and, if necessary, cooperate with the public security organs in the investigation of unidentified cases.

(II)Response to cases on international students running away from the college or missing

1.In the event of leaving school without permission within the validity period of his/her visa or residence permit, any insider shall report the event to the International Exchange Office immediately.

2.The International Exchange Office, when being informed of the case, shall forthwith report to the leading team, and relevant members of which shall form related working groups to conduct timely investigation; organize search of the international student whose whereabouts are unknown, and find out the whereabouts of the international student;

3.In the event that it is impossible to find out the whereabouts of the international student, the leading team shall timely report the situation to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, foreign affairs department, Department of Education of Guangxi, and operate according to relevant instructions.

(II)Response to cases on international students fighting or mass fighting

1.In the event of fighting or group fighting for international students, any insider shall immediately report it to the Security Office, Student Affairs Office and International Exchange Office. The International Exchange Office shall report the situation to the leading team in time.

2.Upon being informed of the event, the Security Office, Student Affairs Office and International Exchange Office shall immediately come to the scene, try to control the situation and prevent it from getting worse; in the event of occurrence of the injured, organize the people to send the injured to the hospital or the urban hospital for treatment.

3.The leading team shall timely report the situation to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, Department of Education of Guangxi, and operate according to relevant instructions.

4.All departments shall actively cooperate with relevant departments to conduct investigation and evidence collection, try to find out the true facts of the event from witnesses as soon as possible, as well as the reason and course of the emergency.

5.The school shall deal with the students violating the discipline according to the circumstances. If the public security organ gives a warning to an international student who violates discipline, the school will give a serious warning; if the international student is detained or punished by the public security organ for violating the discipline, he/she will be given the punishment of probation or expulsion according to the circumstances; if the public security organ detain them who violate discipline, the student will be expelled from the school. After expulsion, the school will cooperate with the public security organs to repatriate those students, if necessary.

(IV)Response to cases on international students suffering serious thefts

1.In the event of serious theft, the international student shall report it to the dormitory administrator and the school Security Office immediately. The Security Office shall inform the International Exchange Office, which will report the situation to the leading team.

2.The  dormitory administrator shall take emergency measures to protect the scene immediately.

3.After receiving the report, the Security Office shall immediately organize personnel to arrive at the scene for investigation.

4.The leading team shall timely report the situation to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, foreign affairs department, Department of Education of Guangxi, and operate according to relevant instructions. 5. The Security Office and relevant secondary colleges shall actively cooperate with the public security organs to carry out on-site and incident investigation.

(V)Traffic accidents or other major pernicious accidents for international students

1.In the event of traffic accident incurred by the international students, relevant departments, upon being informed of the event, shall timely report to the Security Office and the International Exchange Office, which will report the situation to the leading team. Relevant departments shall actively cooperate with hospitals and traffic police departments in the treatment of international students and accident handling.

2.The leading team shall timely report the situation to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, foreign affairs department, Department of Education of Guangxi, and operate according to relevant instructions.

(VI)Response to fire accident and other emergencies in the international student’s dormitory

1.In the event of discovery of fire in the dormitory of the international student, put out the fire immediately, and meanwhile report it to the Security Office and the International Exchange Office.

2.Upon being informed of the event, the Security Office shall come to the scene immediately for fire control. If a fire is too serious to be put out by itself, call 119 immediately; and meanwhile,  take self-rescue measures immediately, disperse the international students, remove items, open the fire exit and shut off the power.

3.The International Exchange Office shall report the situation to the leading team in time.

4.The Security Office and the dormitory administrator shall actively cooperate with the fire department in fire fighting.

(VII)Response to sudden disease, food poisoning and mass epidemic disease for international students

1.In the event of sudden disease or food poisoning, relevant departments shall immediately contact the school hospital, promptly organize personnel to send patients to the college hospital for treatment, and report it to the Logistics Management Office and the International Exchange Office. The International Exchange Office shall report the situation to the leading team immediately.

2.Where the international student is seriously ill or needs to be transferred to the hospital for treatment, the relevant secondary department should immediately specify vehicle to the urban hospital.

3.In case that a mass epidemic disease is found among the international students, relevant departments shall immediately contact the school medical office to take quarantine measures as soon as possible, and immediately inform the Logistics Management Office and the  International Exchange Office. The International Exchange Office shall report the situation to the leading team immediately.

4.The leading team shall report the situation to the local health and epidemic prevention department within 2 hours. Relevant colleges and school departments cooperate with medical and epidemic prevention agencies to carry out on-site disinfection and sampling analysis.

(VIII)Response to cases on prostitution, whoredom and drug abuse for international students

1.In case of prostitution, whoredom and drug abuse among the international students, person in the know shall immediately report the situation to the Security Office and the International Exchange Office. The International Exchange Office shall report the situation to the leading team immediately.

2.The leading team shall timely report the situation to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Municipal Public Security Bureau, foreign affairs department, Department of Education of Guangxi, and operate according to relevant instructions. 3. All school's departments shall actively cooperate with relevant departments to find out the true facts of the event.

4.The school shall deal with the students violating the discipline according to the circumstances. If the public security organ gives a warning to an international student who violates discipline, the school will give a serious warning; if the international student is detained or punished by the public security organ for violating the discipline, public security punishment or criminal detention, he/she will be given the punishment of probation or expulsion according to the circumstances. After expulsion, the school will cooperate with the public security organs to repatriate those students, if necessary.

Chapter VIAftermath disposal

Article 8After the completion of emergency response, the incident scene should be further monitored to strictly prevent the occurrence of subsequent adverse events. Insurance institutions shall be caused to actively settle the claim in timely manner. Cause, nature, impact, responsibility, experience and lessons, recovery and reconstruction, as well as preventive and improvement measures of especially major and major emergencies, shall be investigated and evaluated, and write a summary and report it to the Education Department.

Chapter VIIRoutine measures

Article 9Strengthen publicity to improve international students' awareness of prevention. At the beginning of each semester, remind the international students to raise their vigilance and prevent emergencies by organize the meetings; carry out case education from time to time so that students can learn from experience and avoid similar incidents.

Article 10Ensure the international students to remind their families and friends that if they are unable to get in touch with themselves, they can contact the college for help.

Article 11Update the contact information of international students in time, keep abreast of the trends of students and maintain communication.

Article 12Standardize the leave system for international students and give warning to those who violate relevant regulations.

Article 13Conduct regular and irregular dormitory inspection. Encourage the international students to form good habits, remind them to pay attention to the safety of using fire and electricity, take good care of their personal belongings, and always maintain safety awareness.

Article 14Strengthen the management of the international students' apartment with round-the-clock duty.

Article 15Set up holiday duty roster and arrange the duty personnel during festivals and holidays. The staff on duty shall remain vigilant and keep in touch with the Security Office and Liuzhou Public Security Department, to prevent and deal with emergencies of international students in the campus. In case of an emergency, staff on duty shall immediately notify the command team, which shall formulate a treatment plan and report to the relevant person in charge of the Public Security Bureau for coordinated solution.

Chapter VIIISupplementary Provisions

Article 16Matters not mentioned in this Plan shall be handled in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations and the relevant regulations applicable to international students of the school.

Article 17This Plan is also applicable to students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Article 18This Plan shall be implemented from the date of release, with International Exchange Office in charge of interpretation.